Vocational Training
Your Journey to an AWESOME career begins here!! We offer jobs to successful students that align with our values.
We specialise in adventure based learning and outdoor education courses tailored to suit the needs of those wishing to pursue a career path in the Recreation Industry, and/or up-skill their existing qualifications. These courses are suitable for both newcomers to the industry, as well as those wanting to develop their skills further and/or seeking nationally recognised qualifications.
Our courses and programs have a strong focus on sustainability, environmental issues and human behaviour. We believe that a focus on developing the individual's belief in themselves and recognising the part they play in a team, society and the ecosystem as a whole, allows for positive and creative contributions to our planet.
We design our courses and programs to allow enough time for well structured and meaningful debriefs, in order to provide the deepest level of experiential learning within each session. As such we believe that it is important to translate these core values into our courses for anyone delivering outdoor education. These values will be evident in all aspects of our training, and we hope that anyone partaking will walk away with a greater understanding and a desire to impart these values as they work within the industry.
Courses are run at locations around Perth and throughout WA including; Mountain Quarry in Boya, Statham’s Quarry in Goosebery Hill, Wilyabrup Sea Cliffs, Canning and Swan Rivers and various bushwalking locations throughout Perth and WA.
Which course is best for me?
Short Courses combine elective and core units from both the SIS30619 Certificate III and SIS40619 Certificate IV in Outdoor Leadership. These courses are recommended for people with current skills and experience in outdoor recreation. Anyone new to the industry or with less than 2 years experience, it is strongly recommended to complete additional units at Certificate III level to gain the skills to be able to lead groups.
Additional units are comprised of the remaining core units at Certificate III or IV level respectively making it easier for participants to complete a full qualification at a later stage. Any units completed will be credit transferred to a full qualification at no charge. Please contact us for more information on these.
Our new RTO is Klepper Training, ISO9001 QMS Certified, RTO ID: 45075, https://klepper.edu.au/
Short Courses offered by us:
Single Pitch Abseiling (Natural Surfaces) - 6/10 days minimum
Must be combined with Vertical rescue units below, or have these already: $3,650
SISOABS003 Abseil single pitches, natural surfaces
SISOABS006 Establish ropes for single pitch abseiling on natural surfaces
SISOABS009 Lead single pitch abseiling activities on natural surfaces (lead 3 full sessions with us)
SISOFLD002 Minimise environmental impact
SISOPLN004 Identify hazards, assess and control risks for outdoor recreation activities
SISOPLN005 Interpret weather and environmental conditions for outdoor recreation activities
SISOPLN001 Finalise operation of outdoor recreation activities
SISOFLD006 Navigate in tracked environments
SISORSC002 Perform vertical rescues
SISORSC003 Perform complex vertical rescues
Single Pitch Top Rope Climbing (Natural Surfaces) - 6/10 days minimum
Abseiling & Vertical Rescue Units are a prerequisites: + $550
If you hold the above already, the price would depend on an initial assessment which will determine the time training takes.
SISOCLM002 Top rope climb single pitches, natural surfaces
SISOCLM006 Establish belays for single pitch climbing on natural surfaces
SISOCLM009 Lead single pitch climbing activities on natural surfaces, top rope climbing (lead 3 full sessions with us)
Canyoning, Easy to Intermediate
Abseiling, Climbing & Vertical Rescue Units above are a prerequisite: contact for pricing
SISOCAY001 Traverse canyons
SISOCAY002 Abseil in easy to intermediate canyons
SISOCAY004 Establish ropes and belays for abseils in easy to intermediate canyons
SISOCAY006 Lead canyoning activities, easy to intermediate canyons
SISOFLD007 Navigate in difficult tracked environments
Abseiling Artificial Surfaces - full skill set SISSS00121: $1,700
SISOABS002 Abseil single pitches, artificial surfaces
SISOABS005 Establish ropes for single pitch abseiling on artificial surfaces
SISOABS008 Lead single pitch abseiling activities on artificial surfaces
SISOPLN004 Identify Hazards, assess and control risks for recreational activities
SISXCC001 Provide Quality Service
SISXEMR001 Respond to Emergency Situations
SISXFAC001 Maintain Equipment for Activities
Vertical rescue training and scenarios will be included
Climbing Artificial Surfaces - full skill set SISSS00122: 1,700
SISOCLM001 Top rope climb single pitches, artificial surfaces
SISOCLM005 Establish belays for single pitch climbing on artificial surfaces
SISOCLM008 Lead single pitch climbing activities on artificial surfaces, top rope climbing
SISOPLN004 Identify Hazards, assess and control risks for recreational activities
SISXCC001 Provide Quality Service
SISXEMR001 Respond to Emergency Situations
SISXFAC001 Maintain Equipment for Activities
Vertical rescue training and scenarios will be included
Canoeing on Moving Water: contact for pricing
SISOCNE002 Paddle a canoe on inland flatwater
SISOCNE003 Paddle a canoe on moving water up to grade 1 rivers
SISOCNE005 Lead canoeing activities on inland flatwater
SISOCNE006 Lead canoeing activities on moving water up to grade 1 rivers
SISOFLD002 Minimise environmental impact
SISOPLN004 Identify hazards, assess and control risks for outdoor recreation activities
SISOPLN005 Interpret weather and environmental conditions for outdoor recreation activities
SISOPLN001 Finalise operation of outdoor recreation activities
Canoeing on Inland Flatwater: contact for pricing
SISOCNE002 Paddle a canoe on inland flatwater
SISOCNE005 Lead canoeing activities on inland flatwater
SISOFLD002 Minimise environmental impact
SISOPLN004 Identify hazards, assess and control risks for outdoor recreation activities
SISOPLN005 Interpret weather and environmental conditions for outdoor recreation activities
SISOPLN001 Finalise operation of outdoor recreation activities
Challenge Course, High Elements - Lead: contact for pricing
SISOCRP302A Conduct a high ropes session
SISOABL001 Lead adventure-based learning activities
SISOFLD002 Minimise environmental impact
SISOPLN004 Identify hazards, assess and control risks for outdoor recreation activities
SISOPLN005 Interpret weather and environmental conditions for outdoor recreation activities
SISOPLN001 Finalise operation of outdoor recreation activities
Challenge Course, High Elements - Supervise: contact for pricing
SISOABL002 Facilitate adventure-based learning activities
SISOCHC001 Lead challenge course sessions, low elements
SISOCHC002 Set up and supervise challenge course sessions, low elements
SISOFLD002 Minimise environmental impact
SISOPLN004 Identify hazards, assess and control risks for outdoor recreation activities
SISOPLN005 Interpret weather and environmental conditions for outdoor recreation activities
SISOPLN001 Finalise operation of outdoor recreation activities
Additional Core units: $250 per unit (needs to be grouped into a practical activity)
HLTWHS001 Participate in workplace health and safety
PUAOPE013 Operate communications systems and equipment
SISXCCS001 Provide quality service
SISXEMR001 Respond to emergency situations
SISXFAC001 Maintain equipment for activities
HLTWHS003 Maintain work health and safety
PUAOPE013 Operate communications systems and equipment
SISXCAI006 Facilitate groups
SISXCCS003 Address client needs
SISOPLN002 Plan outdoor activity sessions
SISXFAC001 Maintain equipment for activities
Current Open Course Dates
For those interested in our courses, we are currently offering tailored courses which will fit in with our operating schedule. The practical components will be completed with real groups that we run. The online components can be completed in the student's own time. Locking in a period for those wanting to book in a group and complete all the practical training in one period over several weeks, is an option. We can also come to your venue, to complete certain training and assessments. Please contact us to discuss options.
For Roping Courses, they are done back to back for those with little to no experience. For those with previous experience/qualifications, they can be done individually as required.
For those with existing qualifications, adjustments in days required and pricing will be made on a case by case basis.
Recognition of Prior Learning can be taken into consideration where appropriate and charged accordingly.
For further information, pricing and enrolment please contact us on; 0423 182 663 or email; info@spacechameleon.com.au